AGORALEGENDS - £2442 & 4224 miles in 42 days Walk with me, I think we’ll find a way ❤️
Agora Legends
Team captain:
Moira Agora Xadmin
Calling all Agora Legends!
Beginning on March 1, 2022, over 42 days, the Agora Legends will, once again, be taking on the Peace Band challenge, with a team goal to raise over £2442 and cover at least 4224 miles while sharing valuable information and awareness about War Child, getting active and having some fun!
Sign up today with a personal goal of £24 and 42 miles or more and join our team! Or just support your favorite Agorian with a donation to their page!
War Child UK has created 5 challenge distances that each stand for a difficult journey that a child has had to make to escape conflict. And hopefully, with your help, never has to again. As our team reaches each of these distances, towards our ultimate goal, we will share the story of each of these journeys along with a weekly theme and some added incentives!
Peace Band is for everyone, no matter your age, ability, location or activity! Walk, wheel, swim, choose! It all counts!
Last year, the Agora Legends smashed our target, coming together to raise over £8500 for War Child and covered almost 7000 miles for children living through conflict. This year, let's aim even higher. Let's go even further.
Every mile you take on brings a child one step closer to a safer, brighter future.
Our theme this year is WALK WITH ME, I THINK WE’LL FIND A WAY so get your walking shoes and Mumford & Socks ready to move! Did we mention we have socks….
With AgoraLove
Carla, Francesca, Johanne, Judy, Lesya, Marcy, Sherry and our team mascot and captain Moira Xadmin
Join our private Agora X War Child Facebook page:
Join the War Child Peace Band group:
Follow us on Instagram @AgoraLegends
Share your journey on your social media, tag us, Peace Band and War Child UK
Raised so far
Number of donors
Calling all Agora Legends!
Beginning on March 1, 2022, over 42 days, the Agora Legends will, once again, be taking on the Peace Band challenge, with a team goal to raise over £2442 and cover at least 4224 miles while sharing valuable information and awareness about War Child, getting active and having some fun!
Sign up today with a personal goal of £24 and 42 miles or more and join our team! Or just support your favorite Agorian with a donation to their page!
War Child UK has created 5 challenge distances that each stand for a difficult journey that a child has had to make to escape conflict. And hopefully, with your help, never has to again. As our team reaches each of these distances, towards our ultimate goal, we will share the story of each of these journeys along with a weekly theme and some added incentives!
Peace Band is for everyone, no matter your age, ability, location or activity! Walk, wheel, swim, choose! It all counts!
Last year, the Agora Legends smashed our target, coming together to raise over £8500 for War Child and covered almost 7000 miles for children living through conflict. This year, let's aim even higher. Let's go even further.
Every mile you take on brings a child one step closer to a safer, brighter future.
Our theme this year is WALK WITH ME, I THINK WE’LL FIND A WAY so get your walking shoes and Mumford & Socks ready to move! Did we mention we have socks….
With AgoraLove
Carla, Francesca, Johanne, Judy, Lesya, Marcy, Sherry and our team mascot and captain Moira Xadmin
Join our private Agora X War Child Facebook page:
Join the War Child Peace Band group:
Follow us on Instagram @AgoraLegends
Share your journey on your social media, tag us, Peace Band and War Child UK
Moira Agora Xadmin is fundraising towards